Creating a simple and

consistent policy framework

Major bank policy and procedure transformation project 


In an industry focused on risk management, policies and procedures are essential tools to ensure day-to-day decision-making is consistent and compliant. Yet too often they are complex, legalistic, hard to find, and hard to understand, especially for staff responding rapidly to customers on the front line.

We worked with the Australian arm of a major multinational bank to re-examine and refresh their policy framework, helping policy authors create consistently high-quality documents.

First, we created a benchmark, using a combination of user surveys and workshops to gauge current levels of satisfaction and identify points for improvement. Then we worked with the internal policy team to create new guidelines and templates that reflected both the lessons from our research and broader best practice. We used those tools to rewrite flagship policy and procedure content, providing accessible examples of what good practice looks like. Finally, we developed training materials and rolled out a series of instructor-led workshops for policy authors and stakeholders across the business.


How we helped

Survey analysis and benchmarking
Framework and template design
Flagship document rewrites and edits
Training materials
Instructor-led workshops

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